Francky is one of the branch clerks here in Yaoundé. He's bright, honest, pleasant, a delight to be around. Like many of the young men here, he was single. Thursday, July 23, he married Aimee, our first young single adult success! They met for the first time at our young single adult activity back in November. Despite pressure from family, culture, etc. they chose to be married legally--rather than living together as so many do. They're great examples of faith--we are excited for them!
Left to Right: Modest and Danielle, another couple who married legally--although they went to the temple right away; Aimee and Francky. |
Sister Dimond with the happy couple just before the marriage. |
Some of the branch members who were there to support and celebrate. |
Glad she didn't break her leg with those shoes! |
Ceremony's over, just putting on the rings. |
Mayor in the background, watching the happy couple. |
Signing the documents. |
Four witnesses all signed, too. |
It's official! |
This is the room where the ceremony was performed. |
Outside the "Hotel de Ville". |
The beautiful home of the branch president, President Zang. |
During the dinner, a chicken walked in through the open doorway to peck at scraps of food that had dropped to the floor. |