November 11 was a very bitter-sweet day for us. We knew we were going to have some transfers, but we had no idea just how many companionships would be affected!
The elders get together every other week on P-day to play some basketball or soccer. They play at the exercise park up the street from our apartment. (That's about the only place we take people--on our way to the dedication site.) We met together for breakfast, and to open transfer letters. It's so wonderful just to be with them--they have such a spirit about them, even on P-day!

Elder Leavitt has served his entire mission in Cameroon. He was getting a bit disappointed that he wouldn't get to see any other countries. (He's definitely an adventurous type! He loves to tease Sister Monga that he wants to be sure to eat some monkey--something strictly forbidden, while he's in Africa. He knows how to push her button!) We were very sad to see him be transferred to Brazzaville, but excited that he'll be an assistant to the president! He's an exemplary elder, and will do great there! (We're sure he'll be dying when he can't be out working with people, but it will be good for all of us to have him there.)
Elder Niyonkuru was also transferred to Brazzaville. He's a quiet elder, the only member of his family, but one we'll miss terribly. He has a smile and a twinkle in his eye that can't help but make you feel you're in the presence of someone very special.
All of the other elders remained in Yaounde (thankfully!) The only companionship that wasn't changed was Elder Wright and Elder Bacera. Elder Bacera came from Douala not long ago, so that wasn't a huge surprise. Elder VanAusdal took Elder Leavitt's place as district leader in Ekounou.
L-R Elders Leavitt, Wright, Waite, Bacera, Brockbank, Beutler |
L-R E. Wright, Waite, Niyonkuru, Nzema, Leavitt, VanAusdal, Beutler, Bacera |
L-R E. VanAusdal, Beutler, Brockbank, Leavitt, Sis. Dimond |
E. Wright, Bacera, Waite, Niyonkuru, Nzema |
E. Leavitt, Bacera, Niyonkuru |
E. Brockbank and Waite |
E. Niyonkuru, Sis. Clayton, Sis. Dimond |
E. Tucker, E. VanAusdal |
E. Beutler |
E. Wright and E. Bacera (Only unchanged secteur)
E. Kabenga arrived to be E. Beutler's new companion |
E. Tshibanda arrived as E. Nzema's new companion |
We love all these elders, those who have moved on, and those we have just received!
Thank you for posting pictures of the missionaries serving in Yaounde. We don't get to see many pictures of our son and love when we can. Thanks for taking good care of them. Sister Brockbank