Christmas 2014 in Yaoundé is in the books, and was great!
The main event all the elders were really looking forward to was calling home. Thankfully, we had three full hours of stable internet, and cell phone service. It was fun to hear the excitement in the elders' voices as loved ones got on line or picked up the phone.
Sister Dimond made a huge pot of ham and bean soup and corn bread (our main Christmas dinner was on the 22nd, with ham, scalloped potatoes, rolls, rice pudding, the works!). We had goodies galore--Turtle fudge (top layer fudge, middle nuts and caramel, bottom fudge--WOW!!!!), popcorn balls, a great Coconut cream pie from E. VanAusdal, .... Nobody went home hungry, but we'll bet there were more than a few belly aches at some point in time! We haven't shown you many individual or close-up photos of our elders. Here's a glimpse at what they looked like after working through the day, calling/Skyping home, and eating a huge dinner.
Here is our zone watching the First Presidency Christmas Devotional (well, those who are awake, that is.) (L to R) Elders Wright, VanAusdal, Tshibanda, Nzema, Kabenga, Brockbank, Beutler. E. Waite is really lying on a hard tile floor, fast asleep. They work hard!!!) |
E. Brockbank and E. Beutler |
E. Bacera and E. Tucker |
E. Wright, Tshibanda, VanAusdal, Nzema, Kabenga, (E. Waite is still out cold.) |
E. Nzema, E. Kabenga, E. Brockbank, E. Beutler |
E. Tucker--our main help with dishes. He doesn't ask, he just jumps in and helps. |
E. Brockbank, Zone Leader |
E. Bacera, E. VanAusdal, E. Kabenga |
E. Kabenga, Beutler, Brockbank |
E. Beutler, Brockbank and Sis. Dimond scoping out the goodies to take home. |
E. Tucker, Tshibanda, Nzema and Bacera after the white elephant gift exchange. |
E. VanAusdal (if you look closely, you'll see E. Waite is among the living.) |
We absolutely love each of our elders. They are hard working, fun loving, enjoyable to be with. We hope all of our grandsons will grow up to be just like them some day!
Thank you for posting pictures of the missionaries. It is so fun to see them, especially Elder Brockbank for us!