Monday, May 11, 2015

Members and Missionaries

We don't have a lot of photos of our members.  Here are some that show baptisms (which is where we take most of the photos, sorry!), as well as some of the members at the buildings or at activities.  The members here are great--and sacrifice a lot to be active!

The Mpessa family at Soeur Mpessa's baptism--It took some convincing for Frère Mpessa to perform the baptism, but he did a great job!
E. Nzema and E. Tshibanda with Claire at her son's baptism.

Bastos 1 Primary.  Soeur Mireille is on the back row--she's the president and one of our piano students.

E. Waite and E. Brockbank at a baptism at the Anguissa building.

Members at the Anguissa building at an open house.

Sr. Zang and Sr. Messi, both speak good English!  (E. VanAusdal and E. Waite in the background)

E. Tucker and E. Rakotondrabeharison's baptism

Modeste and Danielle, a piano student and sewing student as well!

E. Bacera and E. Wright at a baptism, just outside the Bastos building.

Baptism for E. Tucker and E. Beutler 
Family members at the baptism of the grandmother

Soeur Dimond with E. Brockbank and E. VanAusdal at a baptism in Ekounou

We needed the baptismal clothing from both buildings at this baptism!

Sister Dimond playing the clapping game at a primary

Young Single Adults making ice cream by kicking a can filled with ice and a smaller can with the mixture.

They loved it!

YSA members playing 21 sticks.

Sister Dimond trying to get some proxy "grandma" time!  (She does that every chance she gets.)

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